Choose your fighter!


The game revolves around four characters, each with thier own, unique, stat values. To win you must choose a character who believe can defeat all three other characters. Then, fight them one by one. Each round of combat will hurt you, but it will also increase your strength. Choose which opponents you fight first carefully and you may just triump.

In order to select your character, simply click the desired character, then press select. Use the same method to select the enemy you'd like to fight. After you begin fighting with an enemy, you must defeat them before you can choose another enemy to fight, so choose your battles carefully.


  • HP: Health points. Each character has a different amount of health point. During a round of combat both characters involved will lose health points depending upon the 'ap' of the attack and the 'dp' of the defender.
  • AP: Attack power. This is the ammount of damage delt by an attacking player during a round of combat. Only the player's character can attack, so this value does not do anything for enemy characters. After each round of combat is over, the player character's attack power is increased by it's starting value. So, the player character will do increasingly more damage over the course of the game.
  • DP: Defense power. This is the ammount of damage dealt to the player's character by enemies during combat. This value never changes, so enemy characters will always do the same amount of damage during combat.


  • Brawler: The figher is perhaps the game's most balanced character. With both decent damage output and a solid pool of health, the fighter is not to be underestimated.
  • Tank: The tank is unique for his absolutely massive ammount of health. Don't think this makes him invincible, however, as his low attack power can make him easily exploitable. Can you discover the secret to winning as the tank?
  • Archer: The archer is an interesting case indeed. He makes a worthy opponent should you choose to tangle with him. However, players may find him rather less powerful under their own control.
  • Mage: The mage may look weak with his relatively tiny pool of health. But make no mistake, that physically weak little man can melt your face off with a word.